Chapters "Backbone of Organization"

From the early 2010s:

On Thursday, August 6, Call To Action executive director, Jim FitzGerald, attended the Southwest Florida Chapter of CTA. He was welcomed warmly and was impressed that there were 20 people in attendance. He was happy to greet the four he knew and get to know the 16 people he had never met. Hearing his story made me reflect on the wonderful quality of belonging. Being in a group of people who are working together toward a common cause gives strength and support to all present. It is a safe place to discuss ideas and plans, hopes and dreams.

CTA chapters and involvement on the local level are imperative to the movement of creating a more just church. Jim said it well when reflecting on his time with this chapter, "CTA's chapters are the backbone of the national organization. My time with the SW Florida was very inspirational. It is a community in every sense of the word. Members are deeply thoughtful about their faith and hold an unwavering commitment to justice. I left the chapter gathering feeling like I got a glimpse of what a true Christian community is like. A real blessing."

Membership to CTA National is also important. By becoming a member of CTA National, we will all have the chance to get to know you. And if we know who your are, we can tell you about opportunities and actions you can participate in. We can also tell you about good news in your area, in the office, and in the country.  Plus by being a member, you can support this movement on a national level.

What does it take to be a national CTA member? It is only $50 per year. We welcome you with open arms and look forward to getting to know you.


PRESS RELEASE: LGBT Catholic Families Evicted from St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church


Come Break Bread