Queer & Trans Led Liturgies

Join us for series of queer and trans led liturgies each Sunday of Advent.

During these ecumenical liturgies held over Zoom, we will reflect on topics including darkness, lament, waiting, resilience, queer joy, and family. We welcome queer and trans folks looking to nourish their spiritualities in a life-giving and alternative way throughout this Advent season.

This series is organized by a group of 2020 Re/Generators!

Our Liturgists


Ari Monts

Ari LaRae.Monts (they/them) is an independent scholar, artist, and queer liturgist based in Austin, TX. Their work looks at the role of participatory performance rituals in the lives of queer women and non-binary people of color and includes research centered around performance and play in queer nightlife and various religious liturgies (and their intersections?). From 2015-2020 they were a staff writer for autostraddle.com where they wrote about religion, sex, and joy. They currently work in an Episcopal church developing online and distantly in person for children.


Benny VanDerburgh

Benny (he/they) is a queer and trans seminarian at the University of Chicago Divinity School, and is supported by The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) at the Disciples Divinity House there as a House Scholar. He is a poet and an anarchist, currently serving as a pastoral intern at a UCC church in the city. Benny was held and raised into being in Portland, Maine, on lands stewarded historically and presently by the Wabanaki Confederacy. Previously he received an MA in the humanities at UChicago, where he studied religion and comics, and a BA at Bates College in English. He is a (newly!) married 'cat dad' invested in actively interpretive theologies that work against universalism.

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Mac Svolos

Mac (he/they) lives on the South Side of Chicago. He is an MDiv candidate at Loyola University Chicago and is currently working at Call To Action. Previously, he attended Creighton University in Omaha, NE, and was a volunteer at Jerusalem Farm in Kansas City, MO. He loves New Order and Lake Michigan.

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Perri Wright

Perri Wright (she/her) lives in Bellingham, Washington. She is an aspiring counselor and a former seminarian at Seattle University. Her past studies include theology, philosophy, counseling, and political economy. She is currently interested in the intersections between faith and existentialism and their application in therapeutic practice.



Liturgy of Lament


Toolkit: A People’s Advent for Ordination Justice