Memorial planned for Fr. Robert Nugent

"The LGBT community has lost one of our heroes, one who stood up and spoke out against the Catholic Church’s institutional homophobia when few others within that church would." - John Becker upon learning earlier this month of Fr. Robert Nugent's death.

Fr. Nugent began ministering to LGBT Catholics in the 70s and, even while walking a thin line with the Vatican, continued the work of welcoming LGBT people into the Church for the rest of his life. “Nugent will be remembered in Catholic history  for his  early efforts to minister to gays and lesbians at a time when few, in any, other clergy and religious would do so publicly." said Thomas C. Fox in the NCR.

There will be a memorial Mass on Sunday February 2nd in DC, all those who knew him or were touched by Fr. Nugent's ministry are encouraged to attend. Countless LGBT people of faith were healed and encouraged by Fr. Nugent, and plenty of Allies as well were inspired to work for a more welcoming Church. For more information about the memorial, contact New Ways Ministry or CTA.


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