Breaking: Supreme Court allows Catholic discrimination against LGBTQ families

Moments ago, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Catholic foster-care agencies can legally discriminate against LGBTQ families.

In 2018, the City of Philadelphia refused to give taxpayer funds to foster care agencies that discriminate against gay parents. But Catholic Social Services sued, claiming they have a constitutional right to discriminate against LGBTQ families.

The whole U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops got involved, filing a brief in favor of unjust discrimination. And now, the Supreme Court has allowed Catholic agencies to ban LGBTQ people from adopting children.

As Catholics we know that no one — not least parents who want to adopt a child — should be discriminated against because of their gender identity or sexual orientation.

There has never been a more critical time to invest in the movement for a more inclusive, just Church — and that is exactly what Call To Action is doing.

So we come to you with an urgent question: Will you donate right now to Call To Action to power our work of building a Catholic community that centers inclusion, diversity, and justice?

As we all know, our faith is so often used as a shield for discrimination.

We simply cannot stand by as some morally distressed individuals subordinate Christ’s Church to their own nefarious prejudices.

Instead, we must build a strong and vibrant community of Catholics who are committed to acting for justice and promoting the equality and dignity of all people. As Pope Francis teaches, “God has created all human beings equal in rights, duties and dignity, and has called them to live together.”

This is why Call To Action’s top priority for the past three years has been connecting young leaders to each other. Call To Action is building community among them and developing their leadership through mentorship with movement elders, so that we can move our church and our world towards justice.

But we cannot do this work without you.

Will you help us continue the work of building a loving, inclusive, justice-oriented Church by chipping in today?

In sacred solidarity,

Call To Action


Companions on the journey: A virtual workshop for direct action


Statement process