Call To Action Remains Hopeful, Resilient and Challenged as Synod of Bishops Concludes

Since the conclusion of the Synod of Bishops this past weekend, Call To Action leaders have spent time reflecting on the final document and listening to trusted friends in the movement unpack the implications. As is often the case, perspectives varied greatly on whether the Synod proved successful in realizing substantive reforms.

After careful consideration, Call To Action offers the following reaction:


The Fourteenth Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops that took place October 4-15, 2015 was an important conversation on the vocation and mission of families today. Unfortunately, the Synod failed to include the diversity and wisdom of the entire Church. Women, LGBTQI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex) and lay Catholics serve as examples of those underrepresented, overlooked, and often unheard.

We were heartened, however, by those bishops who spoke out with new openness and candor, especially those who advocated for an updating of pastoral practice and dogma. In addition, we were pleased to see significant movement occurring regarding divorced and remarried Catholics and the continued focus on pastoral outreach to LGBTQI communities is a welcome and yearned for step forward. The Synod reaffirming one’s conscience in decision-making will hopefully serve as a hopeful sign for more positive change to come.

While these are positive and much needed advancements, it is widely understood that we have farther to go for our church to reflect the vision of inclusion and justice that Jesus calls for through the Gospels. We remain hopeful that Pope Francis’ vision of a Church rooted in mercy, compassion, and encounter for everyone – a big tent Church – can continue to break forth in the Catholic Church.

Call To Action remains inspired by Catholics all over the world taking a stand for a Church of welcome and inclusion. These Catholics are leading the way and giving prophetic witness to a Catholic community of equality and justice. The Holy Spirit continues to challenge and transform our Church to be an authentic embodiment of God’s love.


As the statement makes clear, there is much work left to do to create the Church you and I deserve. Thank you for partnering with us to inspire Catholics to transform Church!


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