Police abolition and the signs of the times


Monday, June 21
5-6:30 pm PT / 7-8:30 pm CT / 8-9:30 pm ET
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Re/Generator, Chicago chapter member, and MDiv/MASJ candidate Kascha Sanor will offer an introduction to police and prison abolition via liberation theology's "see, judge, act" framework. She'll draw on her experience building truly safe community spaces and organizing for abolition, and she'll invite you to reflect on your own experience.

In May 2020, after police murdered George Floyd, Call To Action issued a statement that "It is time for us to call for an abolitionist response that defunds police and carceral repression and funds antiracist, community-based alternatives to punitive 'justice.'" Yet we have much work to do to understand and act on the radical call to literally "abolish the police." Join this engaging, inspiring, and effective session to learn what police abolition really means, why we should take it up, and how we can do so as an organization and as Catholics. Co-organized by CTA’s White Caucus.


Statement process


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