Appeal: Cultivating new rhythms

Time is more fluid than ever. How are we already over two years into the pandemic? Why do we keep enduring the same climate catastrophes with no proportionate response? Why was another Black man, Amir Locke, recently shot by the police in Minneapolis, the center of 2020’s global uprising against police brutality? In our world of Catholic church reform, how are we still fighting so many of the same battles as forty years ago? 

To sustain ourselves amid such brutal cycles of hardship and violence, we need deep rhythms throughout our days, weeks, and years to remind us what matters. In other words, we need rituals and celebrations within our communities to help us stay grounded while we struggle for justice. This is old wisdom for Catholics. Our daily liturgies and sacraments are built with the wisdom of ritual. 

At CTA, we’ve been experimenting with new rituals over the past few years to sustain our Catholic reform community. We’ve begun to ritualize how and when we study, take action, reflect, and celebrate each year. And each year we adapt our rituals with the lessons from the year before. 

Asking you to support our work with a donation is an essential ritual like setting the table before a celebration. Will you bring your gifts to the table now? 

Since 2018, we’ve begun each year by recruiting a new group of Re/Generation young leaders and elder mentors. This year we’re gathering our 75+ Re/Gen alums and mentors for our first ever Re/Generation program reunion! This will be our first in-person gathering in several years. 

In the spring we study, we prepare. We’ve studied concepts like “movement ecology” and “mutual aid.” We’ve explored labor conditions in the church and intentional communities as a path for renewal. In 2022 we will take a deep dive into the Catholic place in the Israel/Palestine conflict and a new indigenous solidarity working group is taking shape. Our alternatives and immigration working groups are also making plans for the year, while our leadership teams deepen our exploration and practice with intentional communities. 

In summer, we gather and call ourselves to action. Since the pandemic, we’ve planned virtual convergences where the year’s Re/Generation cohorts formally begin, and the working groups begin making action plans for Advent. Last summer we began the Rye House intentional community pilot in Minneapolis, and this summer will center on our Re/Generation reunion. 

Your contributions make every phase of our work possible. Consider a gift to help us cultivate young leaders and support our working groups. 

In the fall, we reap the harvest of summer’s gatherings and activities. We reach out to friends and allies to make us stronger. For over forty years, the CTA conference took place in the fall. Last year we planned workshops and leaned into collaborations. We worked with the Democratic Socialists of America, the Sunrise Movement, Catholic Workers, and NETWORK Lobby.

And finally, in winter we celebrate! For the past few years, Advent has been a time for CTA to culminate our work. It’s a time of preparation for Christ’s arrival, and we consider our work to be Advent work all year round: we are preparing a home for Christ, coming as a person on the margins of the church. 

In solidarity,

Zach Johnson, Executive Director
Tamar Yager,
Associate Director
Revalon Wesson,
Administrative Assistant & Project Consultant
Claire Hitchins,
Re/Generation Coordinator
Abby Rampone,
Communications & Activities Coordinator

PS - Watch for an announcement soon about our new donor program, the Giving Table! 


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