Annual appeal

Dear Call To Action Supporter,

You and I choose to stand on the margins. Being in solidarity with those on the margins is a Catholic virtue.

Make a Gift That Support Movement!

Our church is at a critical choice point and never before is your support for a just and inclusive church more important. What happens in the next five to ten years in the Catholic Church will determine a course for generations to come – are we to be a church that perpetuates the status quo or will we be a church that is on the margins?

On our own, this vision of church is a mere dream. But when we are on the margins, together, this vision of church is inevitable!

Your financial contributions this year will allow Call To Action to:

Empower church workers when they face unfair treatment in their employment situations. In 2015, Call To Action will work with partners to gather church workers from around the country to network, strategize, and organize for effective change.

Engage thousands of Catholics on the pastoral needs of families. This year Call To Action will send pilgrims to the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia in September and have representation in Rome in October for the Synod of Bishops on the Family.

Enhance Call To Action’s JustChurch program to advance an inclusive and just church. In 2015, Call To Action will increase church justice program staff educate and mobilize more Catholics around the country into action.

We have deep gratitude that we can stand on the margins and transform the church with love. Your support allows and inspires us to do so!

Click here to view Call To Action's full 2015 annual appeal letter and 2014 annual report.


LGBT Catholics


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