NCR: Call To Action's scorecards rate US bishops on anti-racism work

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Despite global uprisings against police brutality and systemic racism, many U.S. bishops and cardinals have not spoken publicly about these issues, while others have yet to turn talk into action, according to the Catholic social justice organization Call to Action.

In December 2020, the organization's lobbying working group, led by John Noble, released a set of anti-racism scorecards for a "core group" of church leaders the group deemed important to the fight for racial justice both within and outside the Catholic Church.

Call to Action sees many bishops and cardinals as potential partners in a fight for racial justice.

Some U.S. bishops and cardinals "have spoken and acted prophetically about the need to dismantle white supremacy and racism," Noble said in a statement Dec. 19. "Others have work to do and have fallen silent when they should have spoken out."

The scorecards track bishops' statements on racism, police brutality and immigration, highlighting important quotes and including steps parishioners can take to encourage their bishops to do more.

Continue reading at National Catholic Reporter.


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